Thursday, February 10, 2011

Worst teacher I ever had!

  The worst teacher I ever had was Mrs. Gerdts. I had her my seventh grade year and the first day of school she sent me to the office because she had told the class to be quiet and about two minutes after I had sneezed but I held it in so it sounded kinda funny and she sent me to the office! >:(
And every time you tried to correct her when she was wrong she would say "excuse me? I'm the teacher here, not you." To me and to many other students she was disrespectful and thats why she got fired after that year (her first) (:.


  1. Wow! I suggest that you remove the name and maybe just say Mrs. G just in case she Googles herself and decides to sue you for slander. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Moral of the story: not every teacher is as cool as me ;)

  2. Hahahah Landis Screw off!!
    And true that Jenn :)
