Monday, February 28, 2011

Interview Questions for Barack Obama.

  • How different is it being president compared to what you life was like before?
  • Would you say there was someone or something that inspired you to go further than being Illinois senator?
  • What was you child hood like? Did you get in-trouble? Or ever get suspended from school?
  • Why don't you like ice cream?
  • Does your family benefit from you being 'Top Dog'? (Mom, step sister, grandma)
  • What was it about the Harry Potter books that got you so hooked on them?
  • Have you stopped smoking yet?
  • What is it that bothers you about sagging pants??

1 comment:

  1. Good questions! Have you sent them to the Pres. yet? If not, make sure you correct a couple of typos before sending them. Hints: your in stead of you (2x); childhood; in trouble.

    I will be very interested in his replies! Very interesting questions!
