As you know, nursing-homes, or retirement homes are for elderly people to live without worrying about mowing the lawn, or taking the trash out, but often they are places full of abuse and hatred without people even knowing.
There are over 6 million cases of elderly abuse every year. Many will go unreported. California continues to be the state with the greatest number of elder abuse. Iowa only have about 65,844 cases, while California has about 632,693 cases. More than half of these cases will never even see a trial.
One of those cases did however, Cesar Ulloa was found guilty of all 8 counts against him. He killed 84 year old Elmore Kittower. The family thought it was from natural causes, but after someone at the home said something, the L.A. county sheriffs deputies exhumed his body and found trauma; nultiple broken bones, and and autopsy showed blunt force trauma as acause of death.
Ulloa broke over two dozen ribs, he will be in prison for like. But many cases like this never see juctice.
Often, people don't even believe that this kind of stuff is going on. I mean who would suspect someone about 20-30 years of age to beat the hell out of an elder? But people DO, do it, and have no trouble sleeping at night.
The most common forms of abuse are; physical, financial, sexual and psychological, and neglect. Whats really disturbing is that up to eighty percent of this abuse is done in the hands of family members.
One of the main reasons it stays un-reported is because of the shame associated with it. Many older people won't call out because they're ashamed their family member is treating them so badly.
Bus basically elderly people may pay up to $70,000 just to live in homes like nursing-homes to have people care for them, not torture them, and in some cases even kill them.
Elderly abuse DOES happen, and it will continue to until the right things are done to stop it.